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V. Baker (B-127, 4th Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
E.Beenken (B-104 2nd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
Bohl, Elizabeth-E.Bohl (B-111, 1st Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Brandt (B-131) 4th Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
C.Byrnes (B-109 2nd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
C.Branstad (A-117 SPED S.E.B. Room)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
J.Eastvold (B-166) SPED
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
C.Garland (A-132 SPED, W.I.N. Room)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Geelan (B-133 3rd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
M.Harriman (B-129 3rd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
K.Hunt (C-104) Kindergarten
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
S. Jones (A-163, Pre-K)
2024/25 4-Yr-Old Preschool Home-Visit/Conferences
K.Jorgensen (A-118, Phys. Ed)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Klaassen (B-128, 3rd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
I. Leitch (C-117, Kindergarten)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
C. Lillquist (B-132, 3rd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
L. Lohry (A-158, Art)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
J. McQuown (C116, Kindergarten)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
B.Meinders (B-105) 1st Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
B.Milbrandt (B-106) 1st Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
P. Moretz (B-110) 1st Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Nye (B-102) SPED
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
K. Reece (A-168, TAG)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Reese (A-166) SPED
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
C.Schmidt (B-103) 2nd Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
K.Schmidt (C-103, Kindergarten)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
A.Scott (B-126) 4th Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
K.Seger (B-130) 4th Grade
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
B.Smith (C-102, K-Prep)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
S. Thorson (B-102) SPED
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
S. Treloar (B-108, 2nd Grade)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
T.Treloar (C-118) ECSE
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
H.Urbatsch (A-184, SPED)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
E. Walker (A-133, Music)
2024/25 Back-To-School Conferences
K.Wooldridge (A-161, Preschool)
2024/25 4-Yr-Old Preschool Home-Visit/Conferences