Select the schedule you wish to view

Mrs. Megan Aiello
Mrs. Aiello -2nd- Spring Conferences
Mrs. Barrick
Mrs. Barrick - 2nd Grade
Mrs. Bishop
Mrs. Bishop's Spring Conferences
Mrs. Danica Boyer
Mrs. Boyer and Mrs. Schweiger
Mrs. Brown
Miss Brown (music)
Mrs. Brown
Miss Brown (music)
Mrs. Dowell & Mrs. Marriott
Mrs. Dowell & Mrs. Marriott
Ms. Maurisa Fasick
Fasick-Spring Conference 2024
Mrs. Lindsay Feeser
Mrs. Feeser Spring 2024 Conferences
Miss Groft
Miss Groft
Ms. Hernandez
Miss Hernandez Spring Conferences
Mrs. Holt
Spring conference 2024 (AS Classroom)
Mr. William Metzger
Mr. Metzger
Mrs. Mleczko
Mrs. Mleczko- 2nd Grade
Mrs. Nelson
Mrs. Meckley & Mrs. Nelson's Conferences
Mrs. Turocy and Mr. Royer
Mrs. Turocy and Mr. Royer's Conferences
Mrs. Shaffer
Mrs. Shaffer (2nd Grade)
Mrs. Robin Sherman
Mrs. Sherman - Spring Conferences
Mrs. Mandy Singer
Mrs. Singer Spring 2024 Conferences
Mrs. Small
Mrs. Small Spring Conferences
Mrs. E. Smith
Mrs. E. Smith Conferences
Mr. William Smith
Mr. William Smith
Mr. William Smith
Mr. William Smith
Miss Sporer
Miss Sporer
Mrs. Stambaugh
Mrs. Stambaugh's Spring Conferences
Mrs. Strumsky
Mrs. Strumsky's Spring Conferences
Ms. Voegele
Miss Voegele's Spring Conferences
Mrs. Sarah Wadsworth
2024 Spring Conference Schedule
Mrs. Abbie Will
Mrs. Will's Spring Conferences