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advanced_settingsUse the Advanced Settings to customize a few features for your school account.

If you do nothing else on this page, we strongly recommend that you specify the time zone. This is especially important if your school has the schedules open/close automatically, and for parents who are using the Outlook or Google Calendar links to add the conference to their personal calendar.

We are pleased to announce that account administrators now have the ability to hide the multiple conferences link. This can be done using the “Advanced Settings” link in the left column (admins only).

When viewing the advanced settings, account administrators will also see there are several other settings that they can customize.

Advanced settings options for account administrators in MyConferenceTimeIn addition to the link for multiple conferences, admins can also specify whether the “Request staff account” link will be visible to anyone who is not logged in. (This is useful if all of your staff members have accounts set up and you don’t want to receive any more requests to approve additional accounts.)

Staff names on the main page can be displayed in one column or two columns. (If you have many staff members, it might be easier for parents to find staff names in one column instead of two.)

You can also limit the number of conferences for which a parent signs up. We have a separate page dedicated to limiting conference registrations.